via Yatzer™ | photo © The Wythe Hotel
Marfa Parfums

The Wythe Hotel’s location is nothing short of outstanding in the heart of Brooklyn, standing proud on the Williamsburg waterfront. Built in 1901, this former textile factory has been meticulously converted into a 72-room, 8 storey hotel offering service and amenities at a level yet to be seen in this trendy New York borough. A few decades ago Manhattenites, pushed out by increasing property prices, started migrating over to Brooklyn, eventually followed by hipsters, eventually settling in Williamsburg. This area’s seen quite an evolution which inevitably meant a level of gentrification. Gentrification provokes mixed opinions but in one the world’s most recognisable and fashionable cities it’s inevitable and Brooklyn still holds onto a lot of its gritty history, tightly in its rough palm.
Enjoy the tour of the Wythe Hotel @ Yatzer™ »


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The WWDIS Studio in DUMBO

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