昨年の秋にGestalten(ゲシュタルテン)より出版された “Strike a Pose” という建築書籍について、週に一度のペースで5回ぐらい
A few people asked us about the rents of these “Bikers’ Apartments” in Tokyo. The rent of an apartment unit where you can keep a motorcycle inside ranges from $80
Designed for Wheel Junkies 2
Roll it into your apartment and show off to the world! The apartment units at Creer Ukimafunado are not for Bugaboo strollers
Designed for Wheel Junkies
Above is an image of an apartment with a garage in Tokyo
About Niko
Niko is a Tokyo based architecture firm founded by Taketo Nishikubo (b. 1973) in December 2001. Prior to establishing Niko, Nishikubo worked for Atelier Zo, a renowned firm since t
Shiraishi House by Niko
Who: Niko What: Single family residence (2 adults + 3 children) Where: Ebina, Kanagawa When: 2007 (completion) How: Two-story wood frame construction
Tazaki House by Niko
Who: Niko What: Single family residence with a ground floor apartment Where: Nerima, Tokyo When: 2007 (completion) How: Three-story reinforced concrete
satou-house by Niko
Who: Niko What: Residence and studio Where: Mitaka, Tokyo When: 2007 (completion) How: Two stories w/basement, reinforced concrete construction
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